Forecast; 100% chance of sprints

AO: The Paragon

When: 05/29/2018

QIC: dosido

PAX (): hombre, legionnaire, spanx, titlemax, FNG (liberace) , hooch, homeboy, sweetheart, smurfette,

YHC was thrilled when asked to Q The Paragon for today’s beatdown. With fresh Murph-burn just starting to set in at the 24hr mark, I arrived to find 9 solid PAX, including 1 FNG courtesy of hooch, waiting for someone to inflict more pain for their gain. Hopefully YHC delivered; here’s what happened.

As smurfette put it, today’s warmup had more of a “comin right at ya” style to it; all in an effort to keep things interesting.

quick mosey then line up on the curb for copperhead curb-merkins (curb-kins..?) done 4-ways.

Way 1= both hands on the curb for 5 IC copperhead style
Way 2= rotate 90* for 1 hand on and 1 off the curb x5 IC
Way 3= rotate 90* for both feet on curb x5 IC
Way 4= rotate 90* for opp hand on and off x5 IC
Plank Jacks IC x15

The Thingy:

Quick mosey to lower island in main lot for interval sprints. One lap equals roughly 400m (probably 300 though, don’t tell anyone)
Each interval sprint is followed by a set of the following: 5 burpees, 10 dollies IC, 5 BBSU – then cool down walk ~50 paces

First Sprint= 800m (2 laps) Instructions were “All you got!, this isn’t a mosey for any of the sprints” and let me tell you, everyone crushed the effort! the Paragon has some fast dudes…
Second = 400m, then do your set, then walk your cool down
Third = 200m, same deal after
Fourth = 100m, perform set, walk it out

no one seemed to enjoy the 800, but the other distances were quite nice

YHC had planned to go back up the ladder immediately after by doing the 200, 400, and 800 again, but it seemed an audible was needed out of respect for our FNG.
So, we partnered up for a baby dora= 50,100,150. 50=monkey humps, 100=SSH, 150=plank jacks. PAX 1 starts exercises, PAX 2 perform curb-merkins of any style he chooses x5 reps, then take over for PAX 1. Continue the quick rotation until all exercises complete.

Next up we moseyed into the lush field beyond the lot for some fun planking. Hold your plank while switching from elbows up to hands, back to elbows…and so forth, several times over. Probably held a three minute plank in total – nice work all PAX.

With time to spare, YHC added a favorite; BTTW!!!
Keep your partner, PAX 1 stays back on sidewalk performing the squat, PAX 2 mosey to wall for 30s BTTW for Round 1. Switch.
Round 2= same except 45s BTTW hold.
Round 3= same except 60s BTTW hold.
YHC learned today that an increase in these time intervals is needed to really challenge this group; duly noted for next time.

Is time standing still today? jeez… with more time to spare, we were able to get back to the start for a couple more sprints; we chose the 200m twice more, and there were some close races for the wins – correct me if i’m wrong but i believe our fastest HIM today, overall, was homeboy – he’s freaky fast.

with 1min to go, we got on our six at the flag for IC boxcutters, then time was up

I loved the 10 PAX number today for The Paragon – it really was perfect, so thanks to ricky bobby and the cheetah!

YCH had an M at home needing my presence by 0630, so immediately after name-o-rama I had to split, missing the COT

Our FNG did a great job pushing through some personal demons throughout the morning – respect for that!


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