Ninja Pre-Party

AO: The Wreck

When: 04/27/2018

QIC: Thumper

PAX (): Squeege, Ariel, Crab Legs, Rooney, Percy, TP, Smackdown, Chelsea, I-Beam, Aflac, Sprocket, Circus, 7-Up, Turbine, Zooker

A long overdue VQ commenced at 0530.

Started with a short mosey that turned into lunge walking, high knees, and sprints up the hills until we made our way to the lake. No warmup got some of the elder statesmen in the group upset, but we had work to do.

Partnered up at the lake for a standard round of 123 DORA. 100 Merkins, 200 LBC, and 300 Squats. Finished that quicker than planned so we added a lake loop with diamond merkins at each light post.

Mosey to the Big @$$ Hill for some simple 7’s. Big Boy at the top and Burpees at the bottom.

Mosey to the parking lot where we side straddle hopped, bear crawled across, repeat.

Mosey to the circle for some MARY with random cadence counters.

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