Going to College

AO: Shadow

When: 05/08/2018

QIC: GreenBean

PAX (): Billboard, Poison, Fireballs, FidelHopper(FNG), Fish, Manhole, Chopper, Scout, GreenBean, Moonshine, SnakeOil

* I have to say the home page photo here makes F3Alpha look like a pretty serious gardening club… led by Mufasa!

Warm-a-rama: Poison joined the PAX as we headed off at 0530 sharp. Mosey/run down out Womack entrance, hang a left down to Dunwoody Elementary School for the day’s 1st lesson: boys and girls make a cirle:
SSH IC x 30
Squats IC x 15
Merkins IC x 15

Follow me further down Womack to Georgia State University’s Perimeter Campus, for some virgin terrain (lots of unused parking lots with various ground types: hills, etc- good ideas for future use). Trekked across old gravel/grass lots diagonal to the two parking decks (4 stories each).

Circle up for Mary:
LBC’s IC x 15

Follow me to upper deck for some Dora:
1st corner: 10 burpees, then 20 merkins, then 30 squats at every other turn, repeating pattern until you get to the top
which was 2 sets of each. Plank it up at top. Solid work by Fish, Chopper and FidelHopper (FNG!)

Planks- various.

Next, partner up. YHC joined in to help as odd man out. Partner carries to corner 1, flap-jack to corner 2. Wheelbarrow to corner 3, switch when/if necessary. Sprint to back to corner 4, plank it up.

Next, take the stairs, back down, back up (hands up), and back down. Back into deck for:
Lunge walks IC (Fireballs hit the wall here)
Crab walks OYO
Bear Crawl OYO

Manhole mumble: we’re almost out of time!

Run back home, but planked it up 2x to wait on Scout- due to a calf injury. Fireballs was killing it home, but had to reel him back in.

COT: Endex.

Welcome FNG FidelHopper! (Father was an American pilot and he is a pilot for Delta. Has flown the Globetracker?/C130, and accidentally flew into Cuban territory while in Guantanamo Bay during his US AirForce stint. (thank you for your service). Also is a father of 4! May be a fan of Dusty Crophopper?

Prayers for Titus (Abba’s 6th’s kid), as well as Abba as he prepares his family to move to Thailand for mission work in July. Prayers for all upcoming graduates.
Fish took us out.

Aye! Professor Bean

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