Field of Dreams (Nightmares?) and Line-o-rama

AO: The Kodiak

When: 04/09/2018

QIC: Floppy

PAX (): Babyface, Mickey, Wham-O, Westside, Lawdog, Yogi, C4, Voodoo, Natty Light, Harp, Yokel, Crowbar, Woody, Frenchy, The Mole, Manning, Bloodhound, Legionnaire, Thumper, Homeboy, Swisher, Chitwood, Dori.

THE KODIAK showed up 24 strong on another chilly, drizzly morning in the gloom for a Beatdown. Particularly impressive after the Spring Break week and some had to dust off the cobwebs.

Started with a mosey around the lot, out of the dark and into the light. YHC was happy not to have to go through the disclaimer as there were no FNG’s, but the PAX insisted we go though it anyway. After fumbling the delivery the PAX was gracious enough to allow us to move on to the warmup. Will definitely work on that for next time.

20x Side Straddle Hops (What? I’m already losing my voice after yelling 1-2-3 20 times?)

20x Windmill

20x Imperial Walkers

OYO Sun Gods

Thang 1:

My partner in Q – Yogi – led a beatdown called Field of Dreams a month ago for his VQ. Last week YHC joined The Mole and C4 and an AO Louisville for a similar beatdown. Figured it would make a great VQ, but to try some new exercises (new to YHC?) so we mixed it up a bit.

Count off 1-4, Mosey over to 4 sections of the parking lot.

Group 1: Instead of Squats >>> Squat Jumps, AMRAP

Group 2: Instead of Merkins >>> Bruce-Caitlyns (the group affectionately called Tuckins) a Merkin with leg crossed, switch each rep, AMRAP

Group 3: Instead of LBC’s >>> LBFC’s Little Baby Flutter Crunches, AMRAP

Group 4: Instead of 10 Burpees >>> 5 4×4’s – A burpee but with 4 pushups, 4 mountain climbers, 5 reps

When Group 4 is done with their 5 reps, they relieve 1, 1 relieves 2, 2-3 and 3-4. 3 sets total.

Thang 2:

PAX mosey’d over to the dark side of the parking lot for the longer row of parking. Lined up single file side to side in a row.End of the line names AMRAP exercise, runs circle around the lot to other end of line, back to original spot. Next in line names new exercise, runs a lap while PAX completes exercise, and so on. With 24 strong, we only got through about 10 of the exercises before wrapping up the Thang.


Seventy. Seven-Oh. REALLY? YHC loves to wrap up with Flutter Kicks led by Bloodhound. Thought it would never end. Loved it. Great beatdown.


  • Golf Tournament for No Longer Bound in Late May. Asking each AO to sponsor a hole with a sign for that AO. Collection would only mean about 10 bucks from each of the PAX.
  • Another VQ on Wednesday at the Kodiak, new AO (The Mole) at Avery on Wednesday, and Stoneclad launches on Thrusday
  • Several PAX running the Spartan on Saturday
  • Painting project this Saturday at Hopequest in Woodstock. 8 PAX signed up, looking for 12-15.
  • Closed in prayer for family of Joel Edwards who passed away last week, Homeboy’s dad who has surgery Wednesday, and strength of marriages among the F3 family.

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