Log PT for Bronco

AO: Atlas

When: 12/18/2018

QIC: I-Beam

PAX (): Sprocket, Bronco, Aflac

YHC has had some extra coupons brewing for awhile and just waiting for the perfect opportunity to unveil them. Today was the day as YHC thought more pax were committed, some had to make pit stops and dropped out….

YHC always gets on site early to scope the other areas and this morning the practice fields were open and the extra coupons were in place…

As the group met at the shovel flag, YHC was told of how Smackdown heard the call of Nature, and no it wasn’t Nature Boy… Either way, we had good numbers for the planned beatdown (meaning, thought of 5 minutes prior).

0530 hit and a short mosey to the original coupon pile to retrieve the Cindy’s.  Cusak with warm-ups as we made our way to the practice fields.
10 count IC – Skull Crushers, Curls, and Chest Press, Cindy Swings, Merkins

Thang 1
Partner 1 performs tire flips, while partner two carries log 50 yards and back
5 rounds were performed

Thang 2
Team log PT
On-site are numerous short and long logs (unlike the ones of Smackdown’s)
We grab a long log for some experimental log PTs

Together (or by Bronco) we performed the following:
Log Curls
Big Boy Sit-ups w/log
Log Press
Shoulder to Shoulders

After realizing Bronco’s drastic height differential, YHC decided to pitch the log for another Q when the pax are of similar height.

Thang 3
Cusak back with cinders performing the following:
10 count IC – Skull Crushers, Curls, Chest Press
Switch Cinders for Stones

Thang 4
Easy circuit of the following:
15 stone cleans
10 stone clean, squats
5 stone clean, squat, presses

Another chance for an experimental exercise, with horrible communication.
Standing in a small, tight circle with our backs facing each other, we passed one stones around the circle from pax to pax.  10 one way, then 10 the other.  Not bad, a little scary for Aflac’s toe…

Return coupons to pile and mosey to the flag for a couple MOM.
Flutters, Peter Parkers, American Hammers, can’t remember what Bronco call them, but I’d call them Death Circles, and a couple Dying Cockroach.

Numbers, Names, Announcements
Bring an unwrapped gift to Aflac’s Q on Monday for… (some kind of donation) and a White Elephant gift.  Should be interesting….

Continued prayers for the family in Magnolia Walk that had the house fire and has lost all possessions within during this time of year.


UNO out!

(I-Beam to return 12/31 for 6 straight Qs – hopefully I will have no spur of the moment business trips that will make me panic to find replacement Qs on such a light week…)

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