Early Call to the Bullpen

AO: The Gladiator

When: 12/11/2018

QIC: Mufasa/Viking

PAX (): Mufasa (RESPECT), Grasshopper, Postal (RESPECT), Blackbox, Moonshine, Brownie, Laces, Viking

This is a Co-Q BB written by Mufasa & Viking….

An early (2:25 a.m.) call to the bullpen notified the few non-fartsackers today that Spandex was not going to be able to make it to his Q today (see COT below for prayer request). 8 PAX still showed up to see what would happen in place of cinders. Although a few tears were shed because there were no cinders to keep the PAX warm, the PAX quickly heated up on their own. Mufusa stepped up to the last-minute plate and took the first 15 minutes of the Q. Disclaimer was given, a challenge to push yourself was also given, and off we went:


Mozy up to the parking lot in between the tennis courts and the playground.  SSH, Imperial Walkers, and Body Builders all IC.


Mozy around the tennis courts back to the parking lot between the north soccer field and the tennis courts. BLIMPS across the parking lot:

B – Burpees (5x)
L – Lunges (10x each leg)
I – Imperial Walkers (15x each leg)
M – Merkins (20x)
P – Plank Jacks (25x)
S – Squats (30x)

Rinse and Repeat to come back to starting position.

Moleskin: PAX were not very talkative, probably counting and concentrating on form, which makes YHC’s heart Happy!

Mufasa then handed off the Q to the feared Viking.


Viking decided to keep it simple, yet grueling. He led the PAX to the back hill (behind the tennis courts) and instructed that the group do “some” 11’s… BBS at the bottom and merkins at the top. This took a little longer than Viking initially thought. It was 5:51 when all the PAX completed, and we moseyed back to the imaginary flag for 6 minutes of Mary. 6 of the 8 PAX were able to call out exercises and practice their cadence.


-Please pray for Spandex’s M, Nicole.  Here is what Spandex wrote on our Facebook group page: “We had to take Nicole to the ER at Emory John’s Creek in the middle of the night as she had been experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. After tests were run, the doctor found a blood clot on her left lung. She will be on blood thinners and is being admitted to the hospital for what could be a couple days.”

– No Longer Bound: Viking is tentatively planning on going to the Caney Creek AO tomorrow morning and taking the suitcases/gifts that the PAX had put together. Stay tuned for messages on Facebook/Slack later today. If Viking can get the suitcases from Spandex, then we are a go and can coordinate carpooling for any other interested PAX.

– 2nd F – F3Alpha Christmas Party is this Thursday evening at Loyal Q. See Slack & Facebook for invite details. You should have also received an email from F3Alpha.



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