Something old and something new…

AO: The Galaxy

When: 11/27/2018

QIC: Turbine

PAX (): Blue, Sparky, Wide Right, Tweaker, Cha Ching, Yahtzee, Boggle, Turbine

YHC keeps a list of beatdown ideas on the trusty iPhone for opportunities when something needs to be tossed together. This usually results in a mix of something old and something new.

We have an early crowd at the Galaxy….it’s nice to chat before we get rolling in the morning, but man is it starting to get cold.

The PAX made a lap around to the picnic pavilion for the warm-up.


  • SSH
  • Weed picker
  • Hillbilly
  • Windmill

The Thang

Time was counting down on the December 100 mile challenge and so the PAX got to contribute a few miles with a bit of Catch Me If You Can. Partner A does 20 merkins while Partner B runs backwards around the big loop. Partner B then runs forward to catch Partner A and they flip flop. We did this for a couple of laps around the track before convening at the picnic pavilion.

Let the mumbleĀ chatter begin….

3 sets of Partner Mahktar N’Dayes – Partner A puts their feet on Partner B’s back and does 10 x Mahktar N’Dayes while Partner B is in plank. Flip flop.

3 sets of 5 x Cliffhanger Arm-Ups – Partner A puts hands on the picnic table’s bench while Partner B holds their feet; Partner A walks their hands up and down to the top of the table. Flip flop.

3 sets of: Partner A does Dips AMRAP while Partner B does 15 x Incline Merkins. Flip Flop.

There was time left on the clock and so the PAX mozied to the playground for Morning Call. Two rounds of merkins (optional) while each Pax ran up and performed 5 pull-ups.

The PAX mozied back to the flag (or at least where it should have been planted) and finished with some Mary.


Prayers for good news on kids, job hunts, busted legs and all those out there in hunt for the fun and comradery that F3 brings us.

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