Monday Funday

When: 06/12/2017


PAX (): Nacho Libre, El Matador, Catfish, Ralphie, The Dab

Beautiful day at #thehooch with YHCs 5 amigos and one guy sleeping on a bench.  No EH on this #sadclown as he appeared to be sleeping off yesterday’s good time (more on that below).  However, I don’t think he appreciated waking up to our cadence this a.m.  The bottom of the hour hit and we were off.  Below is the recording of what went down until 6:15ish…

Warm-up: mosey around the lot with a circle up for SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, and Mountain Climbers…all IC.


Mosey to the bench for rounds of 10 reps of Step ups with a knee (L), Step ups with a knee (R), Irkins, and DIPs…rinse and repeat

Mosey to the trail and line up for an Indian run…halt at the wall for:

  • 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1- Donkey Kicks and Squats

Bear crawl one segment and mosey two segments until we get to the rock pile where we did a bunch of exercises with rocks.  45 seconds of work with a climb up the adjacent hill and back down in between.  We did combo curls, crane lunges, squat presses, skull crushers, and alt lunges to name a few.

Mosey back to the flag for 9 MOMs…round robin style with the PAX picking up what everyone was laying down.  LBFCs, Big Boy Sit-ups, Low Plank Peter Parkers, Dying Cockroaches, theFlutter, and Dollies.  Probably some others too that I was too tired to remember.


  • Prayers for job hunts, direction, and clarity for some of our PAX
  • Prayers for mission…safety for Nacho and his M this week as they share their faith
  • Prayers for travelling PAX…safety and time to be present with M’s and 2.0s

***Work out complete and 10 minutes in to my drive to work conviction hits me.  Why didn’t I reach out to that guy on the bench?  I made some assumptions about him that may be true, but I don’t know because I didn’t care enough about him to ask.  I have no idea why he is on that bench at 5:30am and maybe I should.  It definitely isn’t something we normally see in Johns Creek.  I justify it by saying that I have to get to work or he didn’t want to be bothered, but the truth is I didn’t want it to be messy.  Now, here I sit feeling like I need to apologize to someone I never met.  Maybe I should have bought him a coffee and asked him his story.  Maybe he would have told me to piss off, but maybe not.

God, forgive me for not loving others like you do and for my own prideful heart.  Amen.

2 thoughts on “Monday Funday”

  1. Thanks, Flo, for the comment at the bottom of your BB. I think we all have been there. Too busy or too much in a hurry and just not wanting to get involved. We can all do better.

  2. I felt the same way Flo…one thing I think I did see is that the guy was let in to Twisted Taco.
    Great Q and welcome back.


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