Burpee and Merkin Mile

AO: The Norseman

When: 12/20/2018

QIC: Nacho Libre

PAX (): Nacho Libre, Beaker, Halo, and Callahan

YHC had the keys to the Norseman this morning.   With the rain coming down 4 pax fought the fartsack and were ready to roll.  Quick disclaimer and we were off.

Warm up:  SSH * 10, Squats * 11, and Windmill * 12.

The Thang:  We headed off campus to the local high school for a quick track workout.

1st mile = Burpee mile.  25 Burpees for each lap.  4 laps and as usual Beaker crushed it.  My New Years hope is that we can have someone visit the Norseman that can challenge him.

2nd mile = Merkin mile.  50 merkins the first two laps and 25 the last two laps.  YHC made a audible for “time”  Beaker took an extra lap.

Mosey back to the flag.  Peter Parkers, Low Peter Parkers, Hill Billies.

Strong showing this morning.  As always a pleasure to lead this group of men.  As we start the new year let us think how can we grow F3 in our area?  Where are the next AO’s that we are looking to expand?  Ask yourself if you are better for being apart of F3?  Do you want other Men to experience the same thing?  I hope so!  Looking forward to 2019!

COT:  Prayers for holiday’s and travel.  Halo taking the step out and signing up for the Army!  Prayers for Digit and her family.

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