13 Days of Christmas

When: 12/20/2018

Where: The Gladiator

The Pax: Zohan, St. 2O, DefCon II, Grasshopper, Laces, Puddle Jumper, Spandex, Manchester, Brownie, Shrinkage, Kegger, Mufasa (respect), Stroller, Blackbox, Tebow, Delicious

QIC: Tebow


The Q was experiencing some trepidation the night before he was to lead his beat down, but awoke to find the streets were dry! What a pleasant pre-Christmas miracle… that lasted all of 30 seconds before the rains came.  YHC had a backup plan though, since only like 5 people would show up in the weather, we’d just do the beat down under cover.  Well, 16 badasses showed up in the gloom ready to go and even gave the Q a hard time for relishing in the warmth of his car until just before the BD.  Since we had a big crowd and not enough room under cover, it was back to plan A to the delight of both himself and the PAX.


Quick lap around our home parking lot and then a few SSH, hillbillies, weedpickers… the usual.

The Thang:

An extremely short mosey to the backside of the parking lot where we got started with some run of the mill suicides to the end of the parking lot.  Spandex was motivated to move quickly to get some distance between him and the prophylactic that he spotted near his starting point – I’ll try to clean up after myself next time I’m scouting for a Q.  As the PAX started to finish, we just started over until the 6 was in from the initial distance.

Another mosey around the parking lot and then right back to where we had started the suicides (sorry Spandex!).

YHC had been trying to think of something holiday themed and noticed a lot of “12 days of Christmas” BD from other AOs, seemed like as good an idea as any, but since the Q loves suicides, we mixed that in as part of it.

As the rain began to pick up, we bear crawled across one parking space and did one rep of the first exercise, then lunge walked back, air chaired for the six, and did 4 squats together as a group before forging ahead to the next exercise.  We would hit each exercise as we lunge walked back to the starting point every round.

1 – Burpee

2 – Diamond Merkins

3 – Wide Merkins

4 – Merkins

5 – Bonnie Blairs (this ended up being a killer in the middle of all the lunges)

6 – Caroline Dry Docks (from here on, the Q had to improvise as his Weinke was completely destroyed by the rain – shout out to Laces for helping me out and making it look like the Q was in total control)

7 – SSH (so this was supposed to be kind of an easy one… but in the later rounds it was a killer given the state of everyone’s legs – also, around this time was when the heavens really opened up.  Oh well, no choice but to forge ahead!)

8 – Monkey Humpers (this one hurt… a lot)

9 – Plank Jacks

10 – Mountain Climbers (10 counts for every round after this. The Q, err… I mean the PAX looked like they needed to catch their breath)

11 – Peter Parkers (Q and Laces forgot exactly what a Peter Parker was… so we just kind of did some pushups and moved our legs around on this one.. thanks to the rest of the PAX for not noticing

12 – American Hammers (Thank Puddle Jumper for this one, the Q tried to keep the PAX off the ground as much as he could)

13 – We had some extra time, so we went an extra round, who doesn’t love an extra day of Christmas!?

With all that wrapped up we moseyed (loose term, Qs legs were bricks at this point), over to the portico to get out of the rain and for some Mary. American Hammers, Dying Cockroaches, Boxcutters (brutal with the legs feeling so heavy… thanks Mufasa), and some Buzz Saws.


Prayers for the family of Digit, the FIA member in Lexington, SC who was killed after being struck by a car during a group run on Tuesday morning.  It’s always tragic when a young mother is taken too early, but losing another member of the F3 family hits close to home.

Thanks to all the guys who donated to the No Longer Bound graduation kits. Thanks to Spandex for leading the charge in this one.  We may have some future volunteer opportunities with this group and he will keep us posted.

Prayers for everyone to have a safe holiday.

NO “OFFICIAL” BEATDOWN ON CHRISTMAS, but if you want to show up… more power to ya! The Hooch will be having a one hour beat down on Christmas Eve, S2O will put out the details on Slack.

Thanks to Spandex for relocating the coffeeteria so we could enjoy it under cover.

A special shoutout to Mufasa (big time respect), who was spotted on Scott Road moseying back to his car.

Thanks to each and every one of you for the support and putting up with the shenanigans in the soggy weather. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Tebow out – SYITG

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