A Circus B’Day

AO: The Wreck

When: 12/05/2018

QIC: Circus

PAX (): Hat Trick, Foley, Ariel, Crab Legs, Squeegee, Turbine, Goat, Sprocket, AFLAC, Dead Beat, Zima, Yankee, Rusty, Swamp Donkey, Sellout, Grease Monkey, Bronco, Divot, Bieber, and Bear

YHC set out for a short pre-beatdown mosey as a warm up on such chilly morning because an older body just needs extra time to get ready. By 0530 hours, 21 PAX gathered along with a special gift from Sprocket.  I accepted the honored Wreck b’day plate carrier, and, we were off at a slower mosey than anticipated.

Warm Up

Mosey to the parking lot adjacent to the football fields and circled up for the following exercises, BUT, not before shedding the b’day gear:

Side Straddle Hops

Toy Soldiers

Weed Pickers

Slow Squats

Slow Merkins

After a good warm up The PAX were ready, so we mosey to the stadium area for the first part of the beatdown, without the  jacket and b’day gear!

Thang 1

Four corners using the number of candles on YHC’s birthday cake this year, I got the party started with following exercises:

48 Dips

48 Squats

48 Partner Big Boys

48 Merkins

Next, YHC led the mosey to the duck pond for the next phase of the beatdown.

Thang 2

While I’ve not hit the age of respect, I know that most 40-something PAX will have to admit that he’s not as spry as he once was, but, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have any fight left in him.  As proof, YHC called for “Over the HILL REPEATS” beginning from the bridge next to the pond and leading up to the top of the hill cross from the gymnastics building.

After a solid 4+ repeats, we moseyed the far corner of the pond and partnered up for the final, and BEST, phase of the beatdown (b’day plate carrier is NO longer in sight at this point, btw).

Thang 3

YHC’s b’day special: Catch Bears If You Can.

Partner A begins bear crawling around the pond in the counter-clockwise direction while Partner B does 10 Merkins. Once finished with Merkins, Partner B then runs to catch Partner A and the two teammates switch exercises. Complete one revolution of the entire pond just because we can!

With only a few minutes left, it was time to lead the PAX on a mosey back to the flag. Turbine was kind enough to help an older Q out by bearing the b’day boy vest.


Prayers and thanks for a solid group of PAX with which to celebrate another year of life, and, a weak attempt at a group picture – see embed photo.

Eight PAX for coffeeteria at CLC afterwards. Thanks for the cup of Joe, ALFAC! Btw, Squeegee’s not only a world-class photographer, he also has a b’day Q this Friday. Make plans to come join the celebration!


  • F3 Holiday party on 12/13/18. Look to Slack or DM Miller Time for details.

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