Hiding From The Wind

AO: The Rubicon

When: 11/27/2018

QIC: Devito

PAX (): Miller Time, Lumberg, Jackalope, Zima, Stifler, Pellets, Devito

This morning didn’t quite dip down into the 20’s as forecasted, but the wind was cutting through everything and added a layer of misery to the gloom.  With 7 posted, we took off on a mosey with YHC in search of shelter from the wind. We found a bit of shielding beside the shilling by FOD for warmups. IC SSH, weed pickers, and imperial squatters. Then we headed over to Grits pavilion (surrounded by trees) for some dips and step-ups. IC, 25 reps of each for the first round. 20 reps each for the 2nd round.

Good and warmed, we headed over to the playground area. The building, low elevation and surrounding trees kept the wind off us here. We split into 3 groups. Group 1 on the far side of the bridge for squats, group 2 by the wall for burpees and group 3 to the monkey bars for pull-ups. 10 reps then rotate. Stay together as a group. Complete a full circuit, then repeat for 9 reps. Then 8 reps and so on to a circuit of 1 rep each station.

With all complete, we returned to Grits pavilion for more dips and step-ups. IC 20 reps each for the first round. Then rounds of 15, 10 and 5.  Next out to the parking lot. Sprint the long ends and jog the short ends for one lap. Finally, back to the flag for round robin Mary to finish off.


Great to have this group out with me on a cold windy morning to push each other to get better.

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