Queen Rocks The Widowmaker

AO: The Widowmaker

When: 11/17/2018

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (): Boomer, Msyhem, Kegger, Cookie, Stroller, Sox, Skid, Shrinkage, Zohan, Jimbo, Spandex, Jackalope, Ha-ha

So I could give you all my reasons for why this BB is late. They are many. Let’s just say there are reasons but the reasons all sound weak when the expectation is that a BB will be timely.

After several weeks of travel and an emergency water heater replacement (You don’t think it is an emergency? Try cutting off the water to your house and telling you M it will be fixed in a couple of days!) it was time for YHC to return to The WidowMaker for a Q. And of course the girlfriends wanted to come, too! But they have a mean streak in them.

It was great to see all the Gladiator PAX show up for the beatdown. It was also great to see Dos-si-do back out in the gloom at AlphaRuck. He is on the mend!

1 minute to go YHC gave a disclaimer and we waited as Zohan exited his car and we mosied on to the trail at the top of the parking lot. A right turn up the trail to the steps and down to the stop sign at the park loop exit where we circled up for SSH IC (cause it’s not an F3 workout without SSH!).

Back up the steps and across the bridge to the trail entrance by the F3 parking lot. Circle up for Weed Pickers IC.

Continue down the trail to the next trail intersection for Sun Gods.

Continue up the trail to the top of the Widow Maker hill (say that with respect!) for Windmills. At this point the mubblechatter was that the girls must be at the bottom of the hill.  But…

We continued on the loop road to the next parking lot where the girlfriends were indeed waiting for the guys to arrive.

The Thang

YHC introduced the Musical Dora to the PAX: Partner up and while one PAX runs the loop to the steps and back the other partner performs the exercise for the current song. Flapjack and the other PAX runs the loop. Continue on until the song changes and a new exercise begins.

The playlist for this morning was all from Queen since the movie Bohemian Rhapsody is out in theaters and YHC is remembering his High School years when these songs were new.


We Will Rock You 2:02 Bagpees
We are the Champions 2:59
Killer Queen 2:59 Skull Crusher
Crazy Little Thing Called Love 2:43 Overhead Press
Another One Bits The Dust 3:35 Lunge with Twist
Bicycle Race 3:02 Bent Over Row
Fat Bottomed Girls 4:15 PCMB
Under Pressure 4:04 Squats w/ Bag
Somebody To Love 4:55 Hammer Curls
Bohemian Rhapsody 5:54 Merkins
Don’t Stop Me Now 3:29 Bonnie Blair

The Incident

While demonstrating a Bagpee (Burpee with a Girlfriend) YHC lowered the bag onto the headlamp still on his forehead and forcefully slid it down until it collided with YHC’s nose. The Girlfriends can be so vindictive! Anyhow, it’s not a real F3 beatdown until someone draws blood so that taken care of we continued on with the Musical Dora.

After the Musical Dora ended we returned the Girlfriends to the truck and ran back to the flag for the NLB boys favorite Oh My Abs routine. However we just got started before time expired.

The whole Oh My Abs routine is below:

30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest between each:

  • Flutter kicks
  • American hammer
  • Leg lift
  • LBC
  • SSH
  • High knees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • J-lo
  • Jane Fonda left
  • Jane Fonda right
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Plank or 6 inches (Q’s choice)

1 minute of Prison Cell Merkin Burpees then repeat.


Thankful for this group and the accelerating men that are a part of F3. Keep everyone in your prayers as so many are traveling for Thanksgiving.



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