Friday night fun


When: 2024-04-12

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (5): Coat Check, Luau (79/200), Shortcake, Speedo


Signed up early for this one, seemed pretty cool to be Qing a BD on a Friday night. And it was! Always good to get down and see our Nantan Speedo!


Over to the Basketball courts for some WMH, reverse lunges, weed pickers, hillbillies, sun gods amd SSH

The Thang:

Stayed on the hoop court, Run to half court, return running backwards and do an exercise then run to the full court end line, run backwards back and do the exercise again. 4 sets Burpees, mercans, jump squats & LBCs Over to the turf field. Four corners with a middle toll. Mercans, Squats, BBSU and mtn climbers. Start with 20 mercans, middle for 3 burpees, 19 squats, middle for 3 burpees, etc. All in all, we ran 1.8 miles, did 70 burpees, 90 mercans, 55 squats, 20 jump squats, 50 BBSU, 45 alpha ct mtn climbers. ended with 5 rounds of Mary and a 20yd lunge walk


Prayers out for all the pax feeling some sickness going around. Speedo friend going through 2nd heart replacement

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was a lot of fun, thanks to the HIM in the South for letting me come down and lead.

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