Doing the Wave

When: 08/29/2017

QIC: Zima

PAX (): Catfish, SlipNSlide, MillerTime, Devito, Bayside, Cookie, SpecialK, Saban, Jackalope, Krueger, Zohan, Fondueguy, Mufasa, Locksmith, Moonshine

It was a day meant for a workout with a “Wave” in it.  We waved Welcome back to Moonshine and Goodbye to Catfish prior to his move to Tennessee.

At 0530, 15 pax started off with a brisk mosey over to the Children of the corn for the warmup.

Warmup:  15 reps of SSH, 12, reps of Hillbillies and 10 Cotton pickers.  Since Devito doesn’t like long warmups we set off on another mosey back around towards the west side of the park.

The Thang:  

First exercise was the Wave Of Merkins.  All PAX circled up and assumed the plank position.  The Q started with 1 merkin, followed by the next PAX to his right doing 1 until each PAX did 1 Merkin forming a “wave”. Rep count was up to 10 Merkins.  Once all PAX did 10 merkins, starting at the Q we went to the right and went back down from 9 merkins to 1.

Next, we lined up at the far end of the field and performed the Burpee Dan. 4:1 ratio of lunges to Burpees.  We did this down and back 1x.

Following the Burpee Dan, a mosey and a stop over at the planters by the baseball fields.  3 rounds of box jumps and dips ensued.  12, 12, 10 reps.

Finally, a mosey back to the flag for a brief round of Mary.  30 Dolly’s and 10 J-Lo’s.


Prayers offered for the victims of Hurricane Harvey.  Fondue Guy and Jackalope offered prayers for a student at Walton High and a co-worker of Bayside’s who lost their lives.  Prayers offered for SlipNSlide son as he goes into surgery.

Welcome back to Moonshine and best wishes to Catfish as the next stage of his life begins in Tennessee.

PAX needed in support of new AO kickoff to Support the NoLongerbound rehab program and to help the men on their road to recovery.

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