New Ways to Create Pain

When: 07/17/2017

QIC: Boomer

PAX (): Boomer, Flo, El Matador, Simba

What we were lacking in numbers we made up for with heart and pain. 4 regulars posted without our usual Respect (heal quickly The Dab) and a host of others on vacation or fartsacking. No matter, the beatdowns continue. Here is what happened.

Quick warmup with a mosey, SSH, cottonpickers, and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang:

Mosey to the entrance of Perimeter and partner up. Partner 1 wheelbarrows up the stairs and then begins burpees. Partner 2 after carrying the wheelbarrow then sprints to the end of the parking lot. Partner 1 continues with burpees until Partner 2 returns, and then they both run around the lot and back to the beginning. Flap jack. Repeat until every Pax gets 3 opportunities to be the wheelbarrow.

Mosey to the playground for 11’s. Burpees under the monkey bars to add a toes to the bar twist on the traditional burpee. This was not pleasant. The other half of 11’s was hands-release merkins. Stopped a little short due to time, but still time for some slow dips. Mosey back with a short stop for a plank/bearcrawl Indian Run up chapel hill. Back at the start right on the dot. COT and BOM


  • Prayers for job searches, broken bodies, and irritable husbands.
  • Reminder that the Sky Q is in charge and not us. Stay faithful. Work hard. Trust Him.

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