Halpha Day: Ruck 2 AM

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-04-13

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (4): Dipstick, Luau (79/200), Potter (Matt Rowand)


YHC arrived a bit early in the AO to set up some cones inside the park to mark some of the darker parts of the planned ruck route just to make sure a wayward PAX didn't wander away from the group in the Gloom.


No warmup...we rucked.

The Thang:

4 PAX circled up equipped with rucks and headlamps. Intro + disclaimer given and we were off. YHC had 3 miles in mind, but was prepared to modify based on the state of the PAX. We circled around the south loop of the park, then out down Brumbelow Road. Once we reach the bottom of the hill we headed back up and re-entered the park at different point just a bit north of where we exited to head over to the Veteran's Memorial. We almost made it to the memorial, but needed to cut just a bit short to keep us on time.  (2.89 out of 3 miles) Nice work and great relative pace to keep Halpha Day going on the 2AM shift. https://onthegomap.com/s/mmcpd5d9


A quick COT with no announcements, but prayers to bless and keep resilient these men and all PAX that continue to come out for the rest of Halpha Day.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great work men..impressed and humbled by your hard work and efforts during Halpha Day. An honor to lead at 2 AM.

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