Middle Finger Route

AO: Cropduster

When: 2024-03-28

QIC: Potter (Matt Rowand)

PAX (6): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Credit Check, Humperdinck


YHC's VQ for the Cropduster AO.


Straight to work!

The Thang:

With a need to get some hill work in as prep for the Smokey Mountain Relay at end of April, YHC decided to put in some inclines in the route for the PAX.  I fondly recall a nasty little set under the powerlines off Kimball Bridge, deceptively hidden from the unsuspecting traffic nearby.  And we're off, 5 PAX to start with Humperdinck playing catching up from fartsackitis.  With Humperdinck caught up by State Bridge (that dude is fast), we're crossing multiple lanes and navigating to the dark passageways of the powerline trail, a pockmarked but paved path that has a nice couple inclines, ranging from 75-100 ft of elevation in a short distance.  We ran each hill twice and that was more than enough before we had to trek the 1.5 mile back to the flag.  Nice work PAX!


Lot's going on with the PAX.  Prayers for multiple family members.  Thankfully we serve and praise a God that is in control of all things.

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