Up in arms

AO: The Wreck

When: 08/22/2022

QIC: Catheter

PAX (12): aflac, Catheter, Cliff - Chris Noto, Donor, Doogie, Foley, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Sell-out, Sic’em, Switch, Yankee


There have been plenty of races and leg training for PAX recently – time to give the legs a day and focus on some upper body work.


Mosey to the playground parking lot for a series: 10xSSH, 10xMountain climbers, 10xWeed pickers, and some Michael Phelps.  Mosey to the bottom of fire ant hill for the thang…

The Thang:

Partner up at the bottom of the hill.

Partner A: Bear crawl to the top of the hill, 10 x Big Boys

Partner B: Merkins until Partner A returns

Switch, Repeat for 3 rounds

Next…Partner A: Dips x 15, Partner B: LBC’s, repeat for 3 rounds

Mosey to the parking lot and pickup lifting coupon.

Set 1: Partner A: Curls, Partner B: crab walk and mosey back

Set 2: Partner A: Overhead press, Partner B: lunge walk and mosey back

Set 3: Partner A: Skull crushers, Partner B: Backwards run

Repeat sets after the first round, then mosey to the playground

Partner A: picnic table shrugs x 15, Partner B: LBCs, Repeat x 3

Partner A: decline merkins x 10, Partner B: LBCs, Repeat x 3

Mosey to the flag for 2 seconds of mary, time.


8/27, is the second annual Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP @ Fowler Park (the Big Creek AO), 6:45am start time

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Big shout out to Moonshine.  At his annual check-up he’s lost 21lbs since his visit last year.  Very impressive stat and motivational to see that kind of improvement.  Keep up the great work!

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