SB 2022

AO: Rubicon

When: 04/05/2022

QIC: Caffey

PAX (7): Caffey, Cart Path, Focker, Red Ryder, Special K, Stiff Arm, Turbine


With it being Spring Break, I was expecting a light group but the PAX showed up to get work done! Quick disclaimer and we were off.


To the flag by the fields for Warm up.


Copper head squats

Weed picker

Toy soldier

Arm circles


The Thang:

Thang 1: To the concession stand and partner up

One partner doing the exercise while the other does either a wall sit, balls to the wall, or Dwight Howard – then flip before moving on to the next round. 6 rounds total.

  1. Wall sits while the other partner does 25 leg lifts
  2. Balls to the wall while the other partner does 25 squats
  3. Dwight Howards while the other partner does 25 Mercans
  4. Back to wall sits while the other partner does 20 box jumps
  5. Balls to the wall while the other partner does 20 Bonnie Blares (single count)
  6. Dwight Howards while the other partner does 20 decline Mercans

Thang 2: Over to the rock pile and grab a rock that is challenging

Partner up again. One partner is running to the first island and doing 5 burpees, while the other partner is doing the exercise. Flip. Then partner 1 goes to the next island and does 10 Mercans while the other partner is doing the second exercise. Keep alternating between burpees and Mercans until get to the last (6th) island). Cadence and exercises are below

  • Burpees at the island, and curls for the exercise
  • Mercans at the 2nd island, and skull crushers (laying down) for the exercise
  • Burpees at the 3rd island, and sit up and press for the exercise
  • Mercans at the 4th island, and curls again (suns out guns out)
  • Burpees at the 5th island and overhead tricep extensions for the exercise
  • Mercans at the 6th island and Thrusters for the exercise

Thang 3: over to the hill for some 11’s

Start with 1 gas pumper at the bottom and 10 big boys at the top. Then 2 – 9, 3-8, 4-7, etc. until it is flipped and you are at 10 gas pumpers and 1 big boy.

Back to the flag right at 6:15.


Prayers for Cart Path’s family and general health issues, prayers for those traveling, and for the leaders of our nation.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure leading. Thanks for coming out fellas!

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