Checking out wildlife on (Pre)Vacation

AO: The Hurt Locker

When: 06/11/2018

QIC: Babyface

PAX (): Chitwood, Title 9, Lawdog, Misty, Bloodhound, Legionnaire, Banjo, Hombre

So YHC is heading out of town for the rest of the week on a little beach vacation with the family, so before I left I wanted the PAX at THL to have their own little mini vacation with me.  With that in mind as the time hit 0530 and the disclaimer was disclaimed, we moseyed to a part of the parking lot with lights, circled up and got started.

Warm up:

Imperial walkers 10

SSH (12)

Windmill 14

Sun God’s

The Thang:

Merkin Suicides (because before you head to the beach you want a good chest pump)→ From the sidewalk we ran to the first light pole and performed 5 Merkins before running back to the start.  Then we ran to the next light pole and performed 10 merkins and so on until we made it to the last light pole where we finished with 20 merkins and headed back to the start.

Next we took a drive on route 66 and had an opportunity to see some monkey fornication.  Little known fact: Monkeys only fornicate in the light (may or may not be scientifically accurate).  With that in mind we moseyed together over to the first light pole that was actually on and performed 11 Monkey Humpers.  When the 6 was in our sightseeing group moved to the next stop on our tour to the next light that was on for 22 Monkey Humpers.  We continued this sightseeing to all 6 light poles that were actually on, adding 11 to our count each time.

Then we headed South on our vacation down to the football field to take a little trip to the Bermuda Triangle → We started at the goal line and did 1 burpee.  Then we bear crawled to the next marker and did 2 burpees. Bear crawl to the third marker and preform 3 burpees before heading back, via bear crawl to the start.  Plank for the 6 before rinse and repeat 2 more times, continuing with the count, but for round 2 we did walking lunges before returning to the bear crawls in round 3.  We did a quick round of LBC while Banjo cleared something out of his throat (and possibly his stomach).

Luckily we didn’t lose any Pax to the Triangle, so we head back up to the bench area by the concession stand to hit up the casino while on vacation.  We played a little game of Blackjack (21’s) with Imperial Squawkers (20) and Dips (1). As the gloom started to break, we called it once everyone hit 11 IS and 10 Dips and headed back to the flag.  Misty wins the award for capturing the flag today as he was the first to reach it via mad dash with legionnaire on his heels. So as a prize, and since we still had 30 seconds left and I like to give us a full 45 minutes of work, I had Misty lead us in a quick round of american hammers since he was cheated out of getting to call those on Saturday


Banjo brought up the thought of ask god to help us be better “in the moment” which I think we could all use.


  • Amicalola this Saturday, DM Legionnaire if interested
  • New Quarter starts in July, if you have not been a quarter Q or it has been a while think about stepping up to take on the challenge.  
  • New Ruck Club is started up, Bloodhound will be in touch soon with info on the first evening ruck

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