Deathstar II

AO: The Paragon

When: 05/31/2018

QIC: Spaceballs

PAX (): Legionaire, The Mole, Titlemax, Fleetwood, Thrasher, Hooch, Dandy, Tebow, Garfield, Sweetheart, Spanx, Kiffin, Ricky Bobby, Quagmire, FNG-The Fridge

16 PAX braved the heat and humidity and were treated to part two of Spaceballs Deathstar workout.  This one was Han Solo based celebrating the release of Solo: a Star Wars Story


Short Mosey from the flag to circle up-SSH, slow Cotton pickers, SunGods, Windmill.  At this point we had to move out of the way of a tardy FNG as he sped into the parking lot.  Short Mosey to the FNG’s car where he got the  peer lead, modify as needed, money back spiel.  Then 5 more SSH and another short mosey to the Deathstar


The Thang

1- six sided pink die donated by now freshly named 2.0 Hugasaurus.  Each number correlates to a Solo themed exercise.  Each Pax would roll the die and the number dictated the exercise.

1-Wookie Humpers (gorilla Humpers)

2-The Kessel Run (Suicides)

3-Carbinite Freezers (Stalled Merkin)

4-Chewie and C3-PO (Partner Carry)

5-Han Shot First (Burpees)

6-Wookie Co-Pilot (Squirkens)


This death star ended up as a pretty even mix of exercises with Carbinite Freezers getting the most mumble chatter.  The workout took the whole time leaving nothing left for Mary.

Name-o Rama

Welcome FNG The Fridge.  (would have been Tardy, but thats already taken.)


Each pax named something they’re looking forward to.




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