No rain but a Reuben return!

When: 03/28/17

QIC: Swiper

PAX (): Reuben, Clyde, Darth Visor, Big Dipper, The Body

Great to hear that one of our founding brothers had moved back to FoCo and would be rejoining our ranks this morning!  That made a solid 6 heading out to the gloom on this fine am at the Creek.  Chief had HC’d to join us rain or shine, but he gets a pass because we had neither rain nor shine come 5:30, but off we went…

Mosey around the kidney bean to the South lot for warm up’s:



Copperhead Squats

The Thang:

Planning for thunderstorms as predicted by the never correct weather app, YHC led the crew to The Superdome for a little friendly card game…

The deck of death!!!!!!

Spades = Burpees

Clubs = Mercans

Hearts = Squats

Diamonds = Reverse LBC’s

I don’t think it is possible to play this game without a string of Burpee face cards flipping in the first few cards, but we’ll keep trying…  Strong work by the PAX, staying close together on these.  As most of us know, getting through the deck is a long road and the house always wins!

Swing by the sundial for dips and step ups on the benches, Indian run back to the flag for Mary:


Never let feet touch, lower to Dollys

finish with some Freddie’s


-Prayers for Reuben for final Thyroid treatment.  Praise for his strong return!

-Prayers for safe travels for spring break next week

-Praise for Big Dipper becoming a US citizen

-2nd F being planned at Top golf for 4/13

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