Sand Bag Relay

AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-04-23

QIC: Tank

PAX (6): FannyPack, Focker, Isner, Lil Hurt, Special K


First BD since new site Q lil hurt took over.  Challenge for some friendly competition was put out to Academy and their Q Lumbergh, and they accepted the challenge.


The basics, SSH, Windmill, Hill Billy—mosey to start location near islands, 3 cinders in tow.

The Thang:

Looking for Academy not seeing them right away started in an 11’s rotation, but just like the ghost soldiers they just appeared crabwalking the islands. Time for the relay.  Two teams, one rotating runner who will farm carry to cinders, loop an island, then do 5 HRM, then throw an 80lb sandbag as far as they can towards the other teams line.  Goal was to get the sandbag to the other team’s island. The rest of the team did a variety of exercises and when the runner returned rotated to a new exercise. After that relay headed back to flag for some more cinder work and ended with Walking mercans with feet on the curb.


Prayers for family and the injured

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Lil Hurt can throw a Sandbag really far

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