The Memory Remains, 90s

AO: Nirvana

When: 2024-03-09

QIC: Roman

PAX (10): Other, Tank, Sweeper, Shortcake, Buckshot, Shazam, The Real Woody, Matlock, Turbine, Special K,


Introduction, Disclaimer, random rumblings regarding a VQ.


There was a sense of tension in the air and the anxiety around the VQ was palpable. Thus we commenced with Weed Pickers in cadence followed by unsolicited marginally constructive feedback on counting. Windmills then Hillbillies followed as the anticipation mounted.

The Thang:

PAX was led to to a suitable location behind Milton HS via short jog. Kid Rock kicked off the playlist as fear swept over the PAX. QIC revealed first round details: Squats X 30, Run to Woodline and back Reverse Lunges (15 each leg) X 30, Run to Woodline and back Tricep dips X30, Run to Woodline and back Rinse Repeat 3 times to equal 90 reps per exercise. (Homage to the playlist from the 90s) PAX jogged to base of hill (Halfway point) Over much rumbling QIC delivered round 2: 30 Merkins, run up then down hill 30 LBCs, run up then down hill 30 Rocky Balboas, run up then down hill Rinse Repeat 3 Times PAX then moved to 3rd and final stage: 30 Spider Mans Side Squat AKA Squat walk 30 yards then jog back AMRAP until Metallica singles end! After much speculation as to which Metallica song would signal an end to the pain the PAX heard the sweet sound of James Hetfield belting out The Memory Remains as we jogged back to the Flag.  


PAX expressed support of VQ effort by QIC.   T-Shirt order was discussed and it was mentioned that a Spreadsheet to collect orders was a great idea. Prayer request for Goose.

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