42 Townies walk into a bar…

AO: Windjammer

When: 05/11/2022

QIC: Townie

PAX (16): Cookie, Cox, Dipstick, False Start, Funyun, Hungry Hungry, mike c (Brutus ), Milli Vanilli, NRA, Stu, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie, FNG (Blue Screen) welcome! ; Biohack (DownRanger)


Big crew today.  16 total PAX for a Birthday Q after nearly a week in the Bahamas drinking beer and NOT posting.  It showed in my effort & pace today!


SSH, WeedPickers, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circle, Covids, and 5 Floating Ducks for good measure.

The Thang:

We ran a modified Mercan Mile (a little over 2) stopping at every cross street to complete:

21 x Mercans & 21 Squats on the way up the hill

21 x American Hammers (Alpha count) on the way back down.

A little Mary along the way until the 6 was in.

Then a mosey to the sports park.  Split PAX into 2 groups.  1 completed Colt 42’s (14 x Curls, Skull Crushers, & overhead presses) while holding a plank since we ran out of coupons for everyone and then we switched.

Mosey to the WindDAMmer for a sprint up the hill and 10 Mercans at the top.

Mosey to the Flag for some Mary until time.


pray for Colby and his family they get the needed medical devices and care for their newborn…

Grateful for another trip around the Sun and to be able to lead this fine group of men!

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