Tire Flipping Good Time

AO: The Wreck

When: 03/14/2022

QIC: Sell-out

PAX (10): aflac, Blue, Cliff - Chris Noto, Matt Shields-Norm, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Tadpole (Tadpole (Jeremy Johnson)), Yankee


Monday after time change and kids out of school. A decent turnout. No wind !


Moseyed up and over the hill behind the tennis courts. Circle up on parking lot adjacent to main building. Brain farts galore…

11 – Toy Soldiers, 11 – Side straddle hops 11 – Peter Parkers 11 – Step through pretzel twists

The Thang:

Mosey around the pond. When Q yells out “hit it!”  All pax drop in place and perform 3 burpees. Keep that up all around the pond. Now up and over to football field.

Where we found a new friend! The tire.  No fancy words just Tire.

PAX count off 1-2 and face each other. One group on goal line the other at the 20 yard. Each PAX takes a turn throwing/propelling the tire as far as possible towards the other group. The further you throw it the fewer reps your group must perform. And the more the opposing group must perform of their exercise.  Throwing group performs 40 side straddle hops. If they throw it 10 yards then they only do 30 reps. Recieving group performs 10 merkins. But if the throwing group throws it 10 yards then they perform 20 merkins.  And away we go back and forth all they through all the PAX taking turns.  IF a PAX throws/rolls tire past the other group. The throwing group is penalized and has to perform 10 burpees. (this happened twice.)

This game is like pitching pennies at a line. The goal is to get as close as possible but not go over the line.

(Hindsight modification would be to have both groups perform the same exercise.)

After one time through we switched exercises to jump squats and jump ropes. Broke off early and ran to stadium. Performed a set of 11’s. Dips at the bottom. Merkins at the top.

Next ran to the playground and did one set of Morning call doing merkins and pullups and a second morning call doing table shrugs and pullups.

Mosey to flag with one round of mary and time!


Everyone thinking about the people in our lives and around the world living scared and uncertain. Praying for stability to return to their lives. Blue’s Cafe as always brought a nice coffee and water selection for post BD conversation.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We are blessed beyond our recognition. Find someone to hug.

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