4 corners pyramid

AO: The Bound

When: 03/02/2022

QIC: Birdie

PAX (12): Birdie, Cookie, Ha-ha, Nacho Libre, Pothole, Stiff Arm, Stiff Arm, Training Wheel, Lavida, Bullets, Butter Bean, Gator, CryBaby (FNG)


After disclaimer we did a quick warm up and moseyed to the parking lot across the  campus to  For warm up we did Weed Picker, Wind Mill, Moroccan Night Club, Imperial Walker & SSH.

The Thang:

YHC mentioned about the 4 corners pyramid/ladder. We would be doing 4 exercises at each corner and the reps started with 10 increased by 5 at each corner until the 4th corner
and decreased by 5 on the way back (10-15-20-25-15-10).
Round 1: Crunchy Frog, Box Cutter, Leg Lift & LBC
Round 2: Mercan, Peter Parker (AC), Plank Jack, Copper Head Squat

During the 2nd round, YHC noticed there more cars come in to the parking lot, so YHC called for time toward the end and moseyed back to the campus for some Mary. We did Gas Pumper and 2 other things. We need to wrap up a few minutes before 6:15.



Prayer for family dealing with illness,   the men from NLB going thru the recovery process & situation in Ukraine.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you for letting me lead the beatdown this morning (it was an honored). Welcome Crybaby (from NLB ). Until next time SYITG.

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