Memorial Monday

AO: Halo

When: 05/24/2021

QIC: Sparky

PAX (4): Wide right- ruck only. Jorts. Fondue guy. Steamer. Sparky.


Disclaimer. Warm up

The Thang:

Partner 1 Runs to 1st flag do 5. Second flag 10. Third flag 15 and back down 10,5 Partner 2 does other exercise. Flap jack
13 rounds
1. Merkin/planks
2. Squats/air chair
3. Bonnie/lunges
4. Low dollie/lifts
5. Star jumps/sth
6. Workin/plank
7. Sth/hillbilly
8. Lbc/imperial walker
9. Vup/pretzel crunch
10. Dive bombers/ dips
11. Hammers/squat jumps
12. Sumo/sync mtn
13. Flutter/overhead press


Graduating seniors and all teachers and staff


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