Zohan Rotisserie

AO: Caney Creek

When: 05/08/2021

QIC: Zohan

PAX (9): Stiff Arm, Pumba, Pitstop, Nomad, Sea Monkey, Milhouse, Chevy, Ghost [FNG], Zohan


You never know what you’re going to get, working out with the NLB men. It’s true to some extent in every AO, but more so there. Between mother’s day (some men got a pass to visit family) and a round of 2nd COVID shots, we had one men out at first, joining the PAX who came to support and YHC’s 2.0s that wanted to come as well. We started a few min late, waiting to see if more men will come and then started.


Quick disclaimer. Moseyed within the parameter. Another men joined us, an FNG. Disclaimer was repeated.

Circled up for some squats, Windmills, Overhead Claps, SSH. Maybe more?

The Thang:

Moseyed across the street to the parking lot, running alongside the building to the edge of the parking lot.

There are a few doors located at various intervals, as well as a larger double door for tracks. YHC decided these will serve as markers. Behind us was a steep looking hill that elicited mumble chatter and hopes it will not be incorporated into the beatdown.

YHC called the first part of the Thang:

Run to the first marker – the double doors – 10 Burpees, 20 single count Bonnie Blairs, 30 Big Boys. Run back to starting point.

At this time we started to realize a major difference between working out in the gloom and working out at 4pm – the sun.

Second part of the Thang – Run to the second marker and back. At each marker (1st, 2nd and 1st) do 10 Merkins, 20 LBCs and 30 Squats. YHC realized that between the sun above us and the hot asphalt under us we are being backed from all sides. Every time got into the LBC position the ground was HOT.

Third part – Run to the third marker and back. At each marker (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd and 1st) do 10 Pickle Pointers, 20 Monkey Humpers and 30 … I can’t recall. Should be Arms. I had a plan but I improvised a bit. As this BD is being written a day later things are hazy.

YHC was looking at a different section of the hill we saw earlier and the PAX commented about the glint in my eye. I could no linger resist and decided to take a quick break from the Thang to make a good use of the hill. Run up, enjoy the view, 10 merkins and back down. Pitstop got 50 extra points (redeemable at the app store) for Bear Crawling down. It was a good hill, so YHC called a backward run up, 10 more merkins and run back down (normally, not backwards). Some of us run back up a 3rd time to pick up the 6.

Back to the last part of the thang – run to the 4th marker. At each point do 10 Backward lunges, 20 Freddie Mercury and 30 Plank Jacks. I think. Might have confused something with previous round, but you get the idea.

At this point we were all extremely hot, with some PAX struggling. YHC called a stop before everyone finished. We moseyed to a shaded area in the NLB compound for a short Mary with American Hammers, Dolly and Rosalita.


Prayers for Pitstop’s family situation and for Chevy’s sister who’s pregnant. Shared a few words from Kyle, who was the guest speaker in the convergence.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

After the beatdown we went for dinner. Officially this month’s BD and dinner was adopted by the Widowmaker, and subsequent months by other AOs. In practice – many PAX, some not from the Widowmaker, pitched in and that really helped. Praises for my M – FIA Zumbo – who cooked everything at home and brought the food.

At NLB Chevy gave an introduction to F3 and Pitstop presented YHC. Then YHC had an opportunity to say a few words as well. I love the part were we sit down and talk with the men there. They appreciate it too. There’s some real connection there, and real impact that goes both ways. If you haven’t had the opportunity of posting at the monthly BD there, you really should.

Praises for Pitstop who organized much of it and helped a lot in setting this up.


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