Nobody the Six

AO: Norseman

When: 04/05/2022


PAX (10): Callahan, Dipstick, Ha-ha, Password 123, Pumba, Stu, TO, Untouchable, Kotter - Tae Bo


I have never done a Birthday Q so on Sunday night when my 2.0 (Tae-Bo) offered YHC a deal that he’d post if I Q’d on my birthday, I said why not, checked the Q sheet and grabbed the open slot.


Ten PAX gathered at the flag and with disclaimers in, we moseyed to the nearby football field for a leisurely lap around the field before circling up mid field for some Warm-o-Rama.  SSH, Hillbillies, Weed Pickers, Arm Circles and COVIDs.  Apparently, the count was too fast for some on the Hillbillies.

The Thang:

The PAX gathered in the northern end zone to make the journey to the far goal line doing lunges.  We stopped at the 10, 30, 50, 30 and 10 to do 5 burpees and knocked out 8 Mercans at the 20, 40, 40, 20.  The jack rabbits turned around and lunged back to the clydes dales to work their way to the finish. Everyone finished together.

Next up was some Dora.  58 burpees to start, followed by 100 Mercans, 200 flutter kicks and 300 air squats alternating while one partner ran to the 50 and back to the goal line.  Once again, when each group finished the first set of Dora, they were rewarded with a second set.  Most teams got to do the 58 burpees twice, which was really appreciated.

Back to the flag for some Mary.  Burpees, LBCs, Freddy Mercury, and Six Inchers from TO, Untouchable, Ha Ha and Stu (no Fire Hydrants Stu?).

Any guesses on what age I turned today?


TMI treated us to his “Blue Steel” look, photo proof included here.  Blood Drive sign up is needed.  Supplies are low.  Norseman FNG Day is coming up on the 21st. Cross Ruck is on Good Friday (5am April 15th), bring your wife and kids! Prayers for wisdom for world leaders to bring the war in Ukraine to an end.  I am grateful for this group of men to share, grow and work out with.

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