sheldon cooper

AO: The Bridge

When: 07/22/2022

QIC: Birdie

PAX (3): Birdie, Boomer, Pop


Quick disclaimer and moseyed around the back of the theater and to the lawn area for Weed Picker, Wind Mills, SSH, Imperial Walker & Mountain Climber.

The Thang:

YHC informed the PAX we would be doing Sheldon Cooper which consisted of 10 Burpees, 10 Mercans, 10  Squats & 10 BBS and 400 meter (2 laps around the green). Count down to 1. We  managed to completed and moseyed back to the flag.

With a few minutes left, for Mary we did: Gas Pumper, Dying Cockroach & another exercise which YHC could not remember.


Prayer for Boomer’s mom upcoming knee surgery (next Tuesday)

NoLonger Bound BD & breakfast, Saturday.


Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grateful for these HIM.

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